本文共 17864 字,大约阅读时间需要 59 分钟。
i) git --version
ii) sudo apt install git iii) git –version : 2.7.4 ix) git config --global user.name “git” x) git config --global user.email zhaodpx@163.com xi) git config --list xii) git init xiii) git init newrepo主要参考: http://kaldi-asr.org/doc/install.html
Git主页:git clone https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi.git kaldi --origin upstream
cd kaldi/tools/; make; cd ../src; ./configure; make
第一步:cd kaldi/tools/
第二步:make,显示:zhaodeng@ubuntu:~/kaldi/tools$ makeextras/check_dependencies.shextras/check_dependencies.sh: zlib is not installed.extras/check_dependencies.sh: automake is not installed.extras/check_dependencies.sh: autoconf is not installed.extras/check_dependencies.sh: sox is not installed.extras/check_dependencies.sh: gfortran is not installed.extras/check_dependencies.sh: neither libtoolize nor glibtoolize is installedextras/check_dependencies.sh: subversion is not installedextras/check_dependencies.sh: Intel MKL is not installed. Run extras/install_mkl.sh to install it. ... You can also use other matrix algebra libraries. For information, see: ... http://kaldi-asr.org/doc/matrixwrap.htmlextras/check_dependencies.sh: Some prerequisites are missing; install them using the command: sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev automake autoconf sox gfortran libtool subversionMakefile:38: recipe for target 'check_required_programs' failedmake: *** [check_required_programs] Error 1
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev automake autoconf sox gfortran libtool subversion
Git: 下载后,添加到matlab路径中即可。1)Pull the GitHub repository or unzip the zip archive into any suitable folder (assumed below to be C:\sap-voicebox)
2)Start MATLAB, click “Set Path”, click “Add Folder …”, navigate to C:\sap-voicebox\voicebox, click “Select Folder” then click “Save”. 3)[Optional] The routine v_voicebox.m contains various installation-dependent parameters which may need to be altered before using the toolbox. In particular it contains a number of default directory paths indicating where temporary files should be created, where speech data normally resides, etc. You can override the defaults by editing v_voicebox.m directly or, more conveniently, by setting an environment variable VOICEBOX to the path of an initializing m-file. See the comments in v_ voicebox.m for a fuller description. 4)[Optional] You may find it convenient to install the non-unicode IPA phonetic symbol fonts developed by SIL which are in the C:\sap-voicebox\external\silipa93 folder. 5)[Optional] The folder C:\sap-voicebox\external\shorten contains the source code and compiled executable for the SHORTEN program written by Tony Robinson and SoftSound Limited www.softsound.com. This is needed for reading compressed SPHERE format files. You may wish to move it elsewhere but, if so, you will need to edit v_voicebox.m to give its location.在matlab中输入:
what voicebox
输入:help voicebox
>> help voicebox Voicebox: Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB Function names have been prefixed "v_" to avoid name conflicts; the unprefixed aliases will be removed in a future version. Use the function v_voicebox_update to update old code which, by default, updates all .m files in the current folder. Audio File Input/Output v_readwav - Read a WAV file v_writewav - Write a WAV file v_readhtk - Read HTK waveform files v_writehtk - Write HTK waveform files v_readsfs - Read SFS files v_readsph - Read SPHERE/TIMIT waveform files v_readaif - Read AIFF Audio Interchange file format file v_readcnx - Raed BT Connex database files v_readau - Read AU files (from SUN) v_readflac - Read FLAC files wavread - Emulation of legacy MATLAB function to read a WAV file wavwrite - Emulation of legacy MATLAB function to write a WAV file Frequency Scales v_frq2bark - Convert Hz to the Bark frequency scale v_frq2cent - Convert Hertz to cents scale v_frq2erb - Convert Hertz to erb rate scale v_frq2mel - Convert Hertz to mel scale v_frq2midi - Convert Hertz to midi scale of semitones v_bark2frq - Convert the Bark frequency scale to Hz v_cent2frq - Convert cents scale to Hertz v_erb2frq - Convert erb rate scale to Hertz v_mel2frq - Convert mel scale to Hertz v_midi2frq - Convert midi scale of semitones to Hertz Fourier/DCT/Hartley Transforms v_rfft - FFT of real data v_irfft - Inverse of FFT of real data v_rsfft - FFT of real symmetric data v_rdct - DCT of real data v_irdct - Inverse of DCT of real data v_rhartley - Hartley transform of real data v_zoomfft - calculate the fft over a portion of the spectrum with any resolution v_sphrharm - calculate forward and inverse shperical harmonic transformations Probability Distributions v_berk2prob - Convert Berksons to probability v_gaussmix - Fit a gaussian mixture model to data values v_gaussmixd - Calculate marginal and conditional density distributions and perform inference v_gaussmixk - Estimate Kuleck-Leibler divergence between two GMMs v_gaussmixg - Calculate global mean, covariance and mode of a Gaussian mixture v_gaussmixm - Estimate mean and variance of GMM vector magnitude v_gaussmixp - Calculates and plots full and marginal probability density from a GMM v_gaussmixt - multiplies two GMMs together v_gausprod - Calculate the product of multiple gaussians v_gmmlpdf - OBSOLETE - use v_gaussmixp instead v_histndim - N-dimensional histogram (+ plot 2-D histogram) v_lognmpdf - Prob density function of a lognormal distribution v_maxgauss - Calculate the mean and variance of max(x) where x is a gaussian vector v_normcdflog - Calculate the log of the Normal cdf without underflow v_pdfmoments - Convert between central moments, raw moments and cumulants v_prob2berk - Convert probability to Berksons v_randvec - Generate random vectors v_randiscr - Generate discrete random values with prescribed probabilities v_rnsubset - Select a random subset v_randfilt - Generate filtered random noise without transients v_stdspectrum - Generate standard audio and speech spectra v_usasi - Generate USASI noise (obsolete: use v_stdspectrum instead) v_chimv - Approximate mean and variance of non-central chi distribution v_vonmisespdf - Calculate the pdf of the Von Mises (circular normal) distribution Vector Distances v_disteusq - Calculate euclidean/mahanalobis distances between two sets of vectors v_distchar - COSH spectral distance between AR coefficient sets v_distitar - Itakura spectral distance between AR coefficient sets v_distisar - Itakura-Saito spectral distance between AR coefficient sets v_distchpf - COSH spectral distance between power spectra v_distitpf - Itakura spectral distance between power spectra v_distispf - Itakura-Saito spectral distance between power spectra Speech Analysis v_activlev - Calculate the active level of speech (ITU-T P.56) v_activlevg - Calculate the active level of speech robustly to added noise v_dypsa - Estimate glottal closure instants from a speech waveform v_enframe - Divide a speech signal into frames for frame-based processing v_correlogram - calculate a 3-D v_correlogram v_ewgrpdel - Energy-weighted group delay waveform v_fram2wav - Interpolate frame-based values to a waveform v_filtbankm - Transformation matrix for a linear/mel/erb/bark-spaced v_filterbank from dft output v_fxpefac - PEFAC pitch tracker v_fxrapt - RAPT pitch tracker v_gammabank - Calculate a bank of IIR gammatone filters v_importsii - Calculate the SII importance function (ANSI S3.5-1997) v_modspect - Caluclate the modulation specrogram v_mos2pesq - Convert MOS values to equivalent PESQ scores v_overlapadd - Reconstitute an output waveform after frame-based processing v_pesq2mos - Convert PESQ scores to equivalent MOS values v_phon2sone - Convert signal levels from phons to sones v_psycdigit - Experimental estimation of monotonic/unimodal psychometric function using TIDIGITS v_psycest - Experimental estimation of monotonic psychometric function v_psycestu - Experimental estimation of unimodal psychometric function v_psychofunc - Psychometric functions v_sigma - Identify glottal closure and opening intstants from Lx or EGG waveform v_snrseg - Segmental SNR and Global SNR calculation v_sone2phon - Convert signal levels from sones to phons v_soundspeed - Returns the speed of sound in air as a function of temperature v_spgrambw - Spectrogram with many options v_stoi2prob - Convert STOI intelligibility measure to probability of correct recognition v_txalign - Align two sets of time markers v_vadsohn - Voice activity detector v_ppmvu - Calculate the PPM, VU or EBU levels of a signal LPC Analysis of Speech v_ccwarpf - warp complex cepstrum coefficients v_lpcauto - LPC analysis: autocorrelation method v_lpcbwexp - Bandwidth expansion of LPC filter v_lpccovar - LPC analysis: covariance method v_lpcconv - Arbitrary conversion between LPC representations v_lpcifilt - inverse filter a speech signal v_lpcrand - create random stable filters v_lpcrr2am - Matrix with all LPC filters up to order p v_lpcstable - check for stability and force stable filters v_lpc--2-- - Convert between alternative LPC representation Speech Synthesis v_sapisynth - Text-to-speech synthesis of a string or matrix v_glotros - Rosenberg model of glottal waveform v_glotlf - Liljencrants-Fant model of glottal waveform Speech Enhancement v_estnoiseg - Estimate the noise spectrum from noisy speech using MMSE method v_estnoisem - Estimate the noise spectrum from noisy speech using minimum statistics v_specsub - Speech enhancement using spectral subtraction v_ssubmmse - Speech enhancement using MMSE estimate of spectral amplitude or log amplitude v_ssubmmsev - Speech enhancement using MMSE estimate and VAD-based noise estimation v_specsubm - (obsolete algorithm) Spectral subtraction v_spendred - Speech Enhancement and Dereverberation (Doire's algorithm) Speech Coding v_lin2pcmu - Convert linear PCM to mu-law PCM v_pcma2lin - Convert A-law PCM to linear PCM v_pcmu2lin - Convert mu-law PCM to linear PCM v_lin2pcma - Convert linear PCM to A-law PCM v_kmeanlbg - Vector quantisation: LBG algorithm v_kmeanhar - Vector quantization: K-harmonic means v_potsband - Create telephone bandwidth filter v_kmeans - Vector quantisation: k-means algorithm Speech Recognition v_ldatrace - constrained Linear Discriminant Analysis to maximize trace(W\B) v_melbankm - Mel v_filterbank transformation matrix v_melcepst - Mel cepstrum frontend for recogniser v_cep2pow - Convert mel cepstram means & variances to power domain v_pow2cep - Convert power domain means & variances to mel cepstrum Signal Processing v_addnoise - Add noise to a signal at a chosen SNR v_convfft - 1-dimensional convolution/corrolation using FFT v_ditherq - Add dither and quantize a signal v_filterbank - Apply a bank of IIR filters to a signal v_findpeaks - Find peaks in a signal or spectrum v_maxfilt - Running maximum filter v_meansqtf - Output power of a filter with white noise input v_momfilt - Generate running moments v_resample - Resamples a signal: identical to MATLAB resample but removes filter transients v_schmitt - Pass a signal through a v_schmitt trigger v_sigalign - Align a clean refeence with a noisy signal v_teager - Calculate the Teager energy waveform v_windinfo - Calculate window properties and figures of merit v_windows - Window function generation v_zerocros - Find interpolated zero crossings Information Theory v_huffman - Generate Huffman code v_entropy - Calculate v_entropy and conditional v_entropy Computer Vision v_imagehomog - Apply a homography transformation to an image with bilinear interpolation v_polygonarea - Calculate the area of a polygon v_polygonwind - Test if points are inside or outside a polygon v_polygonxline - Find where a line crosses a polygon v_qrabs - Absolute value of a real quaternion v_qrdivide - divide two real quaternions (or invert one) v_qrdotdiv - elmentwise division of two real quaternion arrays v_qrdotmult - elmentwise multiplication of two real quaternion arrays v_qrmult - multiply two real quaternion arrays v_qrpermute - permute the indices of a quaternion array v_rectifyhomog - Apply rectifing homographies to a set of cameras to make their optical axes parallel v_rot--2-- - Convert between different representations of rotations v_rotqrmean - Find the average of several v_rotation quaternions v_rotqrvec - Apply a quaternion rotation to an array of 3D vectors v_sphrharm - forward and inverse spherical harmonic transform using uniform, Gaussian or arbitrary inclination (elevation) grids and a uniform azimuth grid. v_upolyhedron - Calculate the vertex coordinates and other characteristics of a uniform polyhedron Printing and Display functions v_axisenlarge - Selectively enlarge figure axis for clarity v_cblabel - Add a label onto the colorbar v_figbolden - Make a figure bold and adjust colours for printing clearly v_fig2emf - Make a figure bold and save as a windows metafile v_fig2pdf - Make a figure bold and save as pdf, eps or ps v_frac2bin - Convert numbers to fixed-point binary strings v_lambda2rgb - convert wavelength to XYZ or RGB colour triplets v_sprintsi - Print a value with an SI multiplier v_sprintcpx - Print a complex number with real and imaginary parts v_texthvc - write text on a plot with specified alignment and colour v_tilefigs - Arrange all figures on the screen v_colormap - Set and plot colormap information v_xticksi - Label x-axis tick marks using SI multipliers v_yticksi - Label y-axis tick marks using SI multipliers v_xyzticksi - Helper function for v_xticksi and v_yticksi Voicebox Parameters and System Interface v_hostipinfo - Get information about the computer name and internet connections v_regexfiles - Recursively find files that match a regular expression pattern v_unixwhich - Search the WINDOWS system path for an executable program (like UNIX which) v_voicebox - Global installation-dependent parameters v_winenvar - Obtain WINDOWS environment variables v_voicebox_update - Update matlab files in the current folder to include the v_ prefix where needed Utility Functions v_atan2sc - arctangent function that returns the sin and cos of the angle v_besselratio - calculate the Bessel function ratio: besseli(v+1,x)./besseli(v,x) v_besselratioi - calculate the inverse of v_besselratio [only for v=0] v_bitsprec - Rounds values to a precision of n bits v_choosenk - All choices of k elements out of 1:n without replacement v_choosrnk - All choices of k elements out of 1:n with replacement v_dlyapsq - Solve the discrete lyapunov equation v_dualdiag - Simultaneously diagonalise two hermitian matrices v_finishat - Estimate the finishing time of a long loop v_fopenmkd - Like FOPEN() but creates any missing directories/folders v_gammalns - Calculates log(gamma(x)) for signed real-valued x v_horizdiff - Estimate the horizontal difference between two functions of x v_hypergeom1f1 - Confluent Hypergeometric function or Kummer's M function v_logsum - Calculates log(sum(exp(x))) without overflow/underflow v_minspane - calculate the minimum (or shortest) spanning tree v_mintrace - find a row permutation to minimize the trace of a matrix v_m2htmlpwd - Create HTML documentation of matlab routines in the current directory v_nearnonz - Replace each zero element with the nearest non-zero element v_paramsetch - Set a parameter structure and do valididty checks v_permutes - All n! permutations of 1:n v_quadpeak - Find quadratically-interpolated peak in a 2D array v_rotation - Generate v_rotation matrices v_skew3d - Generate 3x3 skew symmetric matrices v_zerotrim - Remove empty trailing rows and columns %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%voicebox 既是目录也是函数。 For calling details please see v_voicebox.m This dummy routine is included for backward compatibility only and will be removed in a future release of voicebox. Please use v_voicebox.m in future and/or update with v_voicebox_update.m Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2018 Version: $Id: voicebox.m 10863 2018-09-21 15:39:23Z dmb $
sudo apt install nfs-kernel-serversudo mount -t nfs -o nolock ~/tmp